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<p>To perform one or more operations on information to assign, persist, and manage labels to healthcare data to characterize various aspects, such as its security classification, sensitivity, compartment, integrity, and provenance; applicable privacy, consent, security, provenance, and trust policies; and handling caveats such as purpose of use, obligations, and refrain policies.</p><p>Label management includes classification of target data by constructing and binding of a label set per applicable policies, security policy information file semantics, and classification guides. Label management also includes process and procedures for subsequent revision of a label for, e.g., reclassification, downgrading classification, and declassification.</p><p>Label revisions may be triggered by, e.g., expiry of classification period; changes in applicable policy, e.g., revocation of a consent directive; or changes in the governing policy domain in which the data is relocated or a copy of the data is sent. If a label is revised, an audit log should be kept and the provenance of the label changes should be tracked.</p>
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