Preferred Name

Occupant of pick-up truck or van injured in transport accident (V50-V59)

sport utility vehicle (SUV)
a four or six wheel motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying passengers and property but weighing less than the local limit for classification as a heavy goods vehicle
Delete Subject Author Type Created
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Ontology Mappings
A comprehensive ontology of flaps in reconstructive surgery 10
A formal representation of the knowledge within the domain of Isotopes for Food Science 4
AdaLab ontology 2
AdaLab-meta ontology 4
Adverse Childhood Experiences Ontology 16
Adverse Event Reporting Ontology 11
AGRonomy Ontology 12
Allergy Ontology 4
Allotrope Merged Ontology Suite 11
Alzheimer Disease Map Ontology 2
Alzheimer's Disease Ontology 26
An Ontology for Indian Biodiversity Knowledge Management 4
An Ontology for integration and interoperability of multi-aspect data of Protein food production chains 4
An ontology of core ecological entities 12
Anatomic Ontology for Mouse Lung Maturation 1
Anatomic Pathology Lexicon 2
Anatomical Entity Ontology 5
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification 127
Ancient Poet Resource Ontology 1
Animal Health Ontology for Livestock 26
Animal Natural History and Life History Ontology 5
Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock 1
Anthology of Biosurveillance Diseases 26
Antibiotic Resistance Ontology 1
APA Neuro Cluster 32
apalegal 4
Apollo Structured Vocabulary 9
Artificial Intelligence 1
Artificial Intelligence Ontology 1
Artificial Intelligence Rheumatology Consultant System Ontology 359
Assessment of Indian Economy During Covid-19 67
Asthma Ontology 27
Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease Ontology 73
Autism DSM-ADI-R ontology 22
Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotype Ontology 17
Bacterial interlocked Process ONtology 3
Basic Formal Ontology 1
Beta Cell Genomics Ontology 12
Bilingual Ontology of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Diseases 252
BioAssay Ontology 626
Biodiversity Ontology 4
Biodiversity Thesaurus 1
Bioinformatics Web Service Ontology 3
Biolink Model 16
Biological and Environmental Research Ontology 1,125
Biological Collections Ontology 7
Biological Imaging Methods Ontology 1
Biological interlocked Process Ontology for metabolism 3
Biological Observation Matrix Ontology 11
Biological Pathway Taxonomy 64
Biological Resource Schema Ontology 1
BioMedBridges Diabetes Ontology 49
Biomedical Image Ontology 1
Biomedical Informatics Research Network Project Lexicon 54
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model 5
Biomedical Resource Ontology 3
BioMedical Study Lifecycle Management 4
BioModels Ontology 27
Bionutrition Ontology 1
BioPAX Ontology of Biological Pathways 1
BioTop Ontology 27
BirthOnto: Birth Data Analysis 6
Bleeding History Phenotype Ontology 16
Body System Terms from ICD11 1
Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering Ontology 3
Bone Dysplasia Ontology 157
Botryllus schlosseri anatomy and development ontology 2
Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) Ontology 8
BrainTeaser Ontology (BTO) 5
Breast Cancer Grading Ontology 5
Breast Cancer Lifestyle Ontology 1
Breast Cancer Ontology 1
Breast Tissue Cell Lines Ontology 1
BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology 10
Bricks ontology 2
Brinell Test Ontology-BFO 4
Brinell Test Ontology-EMMO 6
Brinell Test Ontology-PROVO 4
Brucellosis Ontology 11
C. elegans Gross Anatomy Vocabulary 5
Cancer Care: Treatment Outcome Ontology 99
Cancer Chemoprevention Ontology 2
Cancer Research and Management ACGT Master Ontology 27
Cardiac Electrophysiology Ontology 4
Cardiovascular Disease Ontology 57
Caroli's Disease and Syndrome Ontology 11
Case-base ontology for gastric dystemperament in Persian medicine 3
Cell Behavior Ontology 1
Cell Culture Ontology 1,137
Cell Cycle Ontology 77
Cell Line Ontology 133
Cell Line Ontology [by Mahadevan] 27
Cell Ontology 8
Cellular microscopy phenotype ontology 2
Cephalopod Ontology 5
Cereal Plant Gross Anatomy Ontology 1
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Ontology 16
Cerrado concepts and plant community dynamics 3
CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology 177
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Ontology 3
Chemical Information Ontology 1
Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource 31
Chromatin Regulator Ontology 4
Chronic Kidney Disease Ontology 9
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model 5
Cigarette Smoke Exposure Ontology 729
Ciona intestinalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Ciona savignyi Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
clinical LABoratory Ontology 2
Clinical Measurement Ontology 1
Clinical MetaData Ontology 3
Clinical Signs and Symptoms Ontology 45
Clinical smell and taste disorders 1
Clinical Trials Gov Ontology 1
Clinical Trials Ontology 3
Clinical Trials Ontology - Neurodegenerative Diseases 6
Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Analysis Ontology 2
Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology 2
Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms 1,986
CODO: an Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data 8
Cognitive Atlas Ontology 8
Cognitive Paradigm Ontology 1
cohsi2study 1
Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology 1
Collembola Anatomy Ontology 6
Combined Ontology for Inflammatory Diseases 120
Combined Phenotype Ontology 802
Commercial determinant of Health Ontology 2
Common Anatomy Reference Ontology 8
Common Diabetes Medications Ontology 16
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 112
Computational Neuroscience Ontology 1
Computer Assisted Brain Injury Rehabilitation Ontology 1
computer network 1
Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects Thesaurus 2,383
Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology 5
Congenital Heart Defects Ontology 5
Context and Measurement Ontology 2
Continuity of care 4
Contributor Role Ontology 1
COPD Ontology 8
Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine 2
Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology 64
COVID-19 Ontology 34
COVID-19 Surveillance Ontology 1
COVID-19OntologyInPatternMedicine 6
Covid19 Impact on Banking Ontology 1
Ctenophore Ontology 7
Culture, Race, Ethnicity and Nationality Ontology 11
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) 3
Data Collection Ontology 1
Data Science Education Ontology 1
Dataset processing 4
DCMI Type Vocabulary 2
Dementia-Related Agitation Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 4
Dementia-Related Emotional And Mood Disturbance Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 16
Dementia-Related Psychotic Symptoms Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 12
Dengue Fever Ontology 15
Dependency Layered Ontology for Radiation Oncology 9
Dermatology Lexicon 367
Devices, Experimental scaffolds and Biomaterials Ontology 4
Diagnosis Ontology of Clinical Care Classification 10
DICOM Controlled Terminology 3
Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology 1
Dietary lifestyle ontology 9
Digital medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS) Ontology 1,223
Disease core ontology applied to Rare Diseases 509
Disease Drivers Ontology 1
Disorders cluster 131
Dispedia Core Ontology 3
Drosophila Gross Anatomy Ontology 5
Drosophila Phenotype Ontology 10
Drug Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (DDIEM) Ontology 1
Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology 5
Drug Interaction Knowledge Base Ontology 2
Drug Target Ontology 394
DSMZ Digital Diversity Ontology 5
Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology 9
Early Pregnancy Ontology 13
ecosim ontology 3
EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology 3
EDAM Bioimaging Ontology 1
eDEM-Connect: Ontology of Dementia-related Agitation and Relationship between Informal Caregivers and Persons with Dementia 1
Educational Cluster 11
Electrocardiography Ontology 2
Electronic Care Plan 6
Eligibility Feature Hierarchy 1
Emergency care ontology 361
EMIF-AD ontology 7
Emotion Ontology 4
eNanoMapper 8
Environment Ontology 12
Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology 31
Environmental Determinants of Health 1
Enzyme Mechanism Ontology 1
Enzyme Reaction Ontology for annotating Partial Information of chemical transformation 2
Enzyme Structure Function Ontology 2
Epigenome Ontology 8
Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology 25
Epilepsy Ontology 2
Epilepsy Semiology 89
Epilepsy Semiology Ontology 3
Epilepsy Syndrome Seizure Ontology 42
EpilepsyOntology 101
EthiopianListOfDiseases 613
Ethnicity Ontoloy 2
Example Ontology 2
Exercise Medicine Ontology 4
Experimental Conditions Ontology 6
Experimental Factor Ontology 1,139
Exposure Ontology 2
Exposure Value Set 1
Fall Risk Management Ontology 42
falls prevention 1
Family Health History Ontology 19
Fanconi Anemia Ontology 213
FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Event 1
FirstOntologyForUMMS 1
Fish Ontology 2
Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology 4
Fitbit Vocabularies 1
Flora Phenotype Ontology 3
Fly Taxonomy 1
FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary 4
FlyGlycoDB 2
FNS-Harmony 1,000
FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology) 1
Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology 1
Food Matrix for Predictive Microbiology 1
Foundational Model of Anatomy 10
Friend of a Friend Vocabulary 2
Functional Therapeutic Chemical Classification System 3
FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits 15
G Protein-Coupled Receptor BioAssays Ontology 3
Galen Ontology 382
Gazetteer 7
Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology 134
Gene Expression Ontology 77
Gene Ontology 3
Gene Ontology Extension 4
Gene Regulation Ontology 17
General Formal Ontology 2
General Formal Ontology for Biology 12
Generic Dataset Metadata Template Vocabulary 6
Genome Component Ontology 1
Genomic Clinical Decision Support Ontology 1
Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology 160
Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology 1
Genotype Ontology 4
Geographical Entity Ontology 2
GeoSpecies Ontology 1
Glioblastoma 5
Global Code Book Ontology 104
GlycanBind 2
GlycoConjugate Ontology 1
Glycomics Ontology 1
GlycoRDF 1
go-plus 12
GOLD Ecosystem Classification 4
GoMapMan 1
Graphic Descriptor Ontology Anatomy Extension 1
Graphical Pathway Markup Language 1
Group 4-Data Science in Practice 1
Growth Medium Ontology 1
Guideline Provenance 7
Halocynthia aurantium Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Halocynthia roretzi Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Head and Neck Cancer Ontology 3
Health and Social Person-centric Ontology 63
Health Level Seven Reference Implementation Model, Version 3 183
Health Surveillance Ontology 7
Health_ontology 1,055
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System 127
Healthcare Monitoring and Emergency Response Ontology 12
Hearing Impairment Ontology 10
Heart Failure Ontology 76
HECON: Health Condition Evolution Ontology 2
HHEAR Properties 15
HHEAR Value Sets 1
Hierarchical Event Descriptors 6
HIVOntologymain.owl 21
HMIS LAB 011 5 1
HNS_Ontolgoy 49
Home Cage Monitoring definition 1
Homeostasis imbalance process ontology 53
Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology 9
HuBMAP Research Attributes Value Set 2
Human Ancestry Ontology 2
Human Dermatological Disease Ontology 291
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 1 5
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 2 5
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, timed version 31
Human Disease Ontology 1,141
Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource 1,182
Human Interaction Network Ontology 2
Human Phenotype Ontology 595
Human Physiology Simulation Ontology 20
Human Reference Atlas 9
Human Reference Atlas Common Coordinate Framework Ontology 1
Human-Aware Science Ontology 15
Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology 3
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ontology 16
Hypertension Ontology 26
I-ADOPT Framework Ontology 1
ICHOM Set Pregnancy and Childbirth 1
Imaging Biomarker Ontology 5
Immunogenetics Ontology 2
INCENTIVE Community Controlled Vocabulary 3
INCENTIVE Variables 3
Indian Biodiversity Ontology 3
IndianBiodiversity 3
Infection Transmission Ontology 1
Infectious Disease Ontology 4
Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance 6
Influenza Ontology 10
Information Artifact Ontology 1
Informed Consent Ontology 5
InfraRisk Ontology 3
Inherited Retinal Dystrophy 12
insectH 1
Integrated Ontology for Symptom Phenotype Terminologies 112
Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology 2
Intelligence Task Ontology 3
Interaction Network Ontology 3
Interaction Ontology 1
Interlinking Ontology for Biological Concepts 1,560
International Classification for Nursing Practice 52
International Classification for Patient Safety 2
International Classification of Diseases Ontology 663
International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 18,700
International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Procedure Coding System 127
International Classification of Diseases, Version 9 - Clinical Modification 11,848
International Classification of Primary Care - 2 PLUS 3,275
International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Ontology 2
Invasion Biology Ontology 5
ISO 639-2: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages 1
ISO-15926-2_2003_annotations 5
ISO-15926-2_2003_entityMembership 5
ISO-15926-2_2003_inverseRoles 5
ISO-15926-2_2003_oil 5
Just Enough Results Model Ontology 5
KB_Bio_101 62
Kidney Tissue Atlas Ontology 153
Knowledge Graph Change Language 1
Knowledge Object Reference Ontology 2
Land Surface classifiers 3
LDbase 1
legalapa 4
Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology 3
Life Ontology 7
Lifestyle Factor Ontology 18
LinkML Common Metadata Elements and Terms 3
Lipid Ontology 2
Liver Cancer Ontology Diagnosis Treatment 1
Living Environment Ontology 1
Loggerhead Nesting Ontology 3
Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes 2,100
Magnetic Resonance Dataset Acquisition Ontology 6
Maize Gross Anatomy Ontology 1
Major Histocompatibility Complex Ontology 3
Malaria Ontology 19
Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology 4
Mammalian Phenotype Ontology 184
Mapping of Drug Names and MeSH 2022 495
Mapping of Epilepsy Ontologies 132
Mass Spectrometry Ontology 2
Master Drug Data Base Clinical Drugs 127
Material 2
Material Compound 1
Material Element 1
Material Organic Compound 1
MaterialsMine Ontology 4
Medical Action Ontology 22
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA) 21,787
Medical Error Ontology 2
Medical image simulation 6
Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Ontology 771
Medical Subject Headings 5,090
MedlinePlus Health Topics 1,493
Melanoma Ontology 7
Menelas Project Top-Level Ontology 6
Mental Functioning Ontology 4
Mental State Assessment 7
metaBUS controlled vocabulary for organizational and applied psychology research 6
Metagenome and Microbes Environmental Ontology 3
MFO Mental Disease Ontology 91
MHC Restriction Ontology 2
MIAPA Ontology 3
Microarray and Gene Expression Data Ontology 2
Microbial Conditions Ontology 6
Microbial Phenotype Ontology 1
Microbial Typing Ontology 2
Minimal Anatomical Terminology 3
Minimal Information about any Sequence (MIxS) Controlled Vocabularies 2
Minimal Information about any Sequence Ontology 3
Minimal Standard Terminology of Digestive Endoscopy 262
Minimum PDDI Information Ontology 1
Model Card Report Ontology 5
Modern Science Ontology 2
Molecular Interaction Map 1
Molecular Interactions 2
Molecular Process Ontology 1
Molgula occidentalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Molgula occulta Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Molgula oculata Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
MomCareVocabulary 3
Mondo Disease Ontology 1,222
Monochrom 1
Monogenean Ontology 1
Mosquito Gross Anatomy Ontology 3
Mosquito Insecticide Resistance 1
Mosquito Vector Association Ontology with Biocontrol Agents 3
Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology 3
Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed 4
Mouse Pathology Ontology 43
MultiCaRe Taxonomy 1
MultiCaRe Taxonomy (ML Labels) 1
Multiple sclerosis ontology 16
Multiplex Classification Ontology for the HyperKvasir Experiment 2
Multiplex Classification Ontology for the MultiCaRe Experiment 1
mymedicalinformation 1
Myocardial Infarction Ontology 98
MyOntoServiceFull_FallDetection 1
Name Reaction Ontology 1
Nanbyo Disease Ontology 329
NanoParticle Ontology 5
National Cancer Institute Thesaurus 4,592
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Organismal Classification 140
National Drug Data File 129
National Drug File - Reference Terminology 2,941
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Ontology 1
Natural Products Ontology 1,120
NCCN EHR Oncology Categories 1
Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology, version 4 36
Neural ElectroMagnetic Ontology 4
Neural Electronic Interface Ontology 5
Neural Motor Recovery Ontology 1
Neural-Immune Gene Ontology 4
NeuralReprogrammingOntology 13
Neuro Behavior Ontology 43
NeuroBridge Ontology 22
Neurodegenerative Disease Data Ontology 15
Neurologic Examination Ontology 108
NeuroMorpho.Org brain region ontologies 6
Neuron Phenotype Ontology 9
Neuropsychological Integrative Ontology 35
Neuroscience Domain Insight Graph 2
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Cell Ontology 1
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Dysfunction Ontlogy 63
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Standard Ontology 1,214
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Subcellular Ontology 11
Next Generation Biobanking Ontology 3
NGS ontology 1
NIDM-Results 4
NIH NLM Value Sets 28,135
NLighten Ontology 3
NMDC Ontology 17
NMR-Controlled Vocabulary 2
NND_Clinical_history 7
NND_Neuropathological_Diagnosis 17
Non Clinical Determinants of Health 2
Non-coding RNA Ontology 7
Nursing Care Coordination Ontology 10
Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology 67
Occupation Ontology 2
OCD ontology 184
Ocular Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Ontology 47
OligoMetastatic Cancer Ontology 185
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 5,968
OntoFood 4
Ontological Knowledge Base Model for Cystic Fibrosis 42
Ontology for Biobanking 6
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations 9
Ontology for Drug Discovery Investigations 1
Ontology for ELEctronic tool for Clinicians, Trainers and Researchers In Child Abuse 56
Ontology for General Medical Science 1
Ontology for Generic Dataset Metadata Template 3
Ontology for Genetic Disease Investigations 8
Ontology for Genetic Interval 3
Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor 5
Ontology for MicroRNA Target 647
Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities 6
Ontology for Newborn Screening Follow-up and Translational Research 4
Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology 9
Ontology for Nutritional Studies 16
Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle 3
Ontology for Process-Based Modeling of Dynamical Systems (OntoPBM) 2
Ontology for Representing CDM Semantics 9
Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system 13
Ontology of Adverse Events 7
Ontology of Alternative Medicine, French 3
Ontology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, social module 6
Ontology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, all modules 38
Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems 3
Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics 5
Ontology of Biological Attributes 289
Ontology of Cardiovascular Drug Adverse Events 6
Ontology of Chemical Elements 1
Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism 9
Ontology of Clinical Research 5
Ontology of Consumer Health Vocabulary 2,193
Ontology of Core Data Mining Entities 2
Ontology of Drug Adverse Events 51
Ontology of Drug Neuropathy Adverse Events 7
Ontology of Genes and Genomes 3
Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Mouse 2
Ontology of Glucose Metabolism Disorder 5
Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions 6
Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions 20
Ontology of Laboratory Animal Medicine 5
Ontology of Laboratory Animal Science 6
Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes 1
Ontology of Nuclear Toxicity 15
Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems 13
Ontology of Physical Exercises 2
Ontology of Physics for Biology 1
Ontology of Pneumology 11
Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation 16
Ontology of Risk Stratification in Mental Health 21
Ontology of RNA Sequencing 5
Ontology of units of Measure 1
Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events 7
OntoPsychia, social module 10
Open Predictive Microbiology Ontology 2
OpenCareOntology 16
Optimization Algorithm Benchmarking Ontology 1
Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology 408
Orthology Ontology 3
OWL_XML_Tool5 1
PaN Experimental technique 1
Parkinson and Movement Disorder Ontology 14
Parkinson's Disease Ontology 24
Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology 7
Pathogenic Disease Ontology 98
Pathway Ontology 1
Pathway Terminology System 3
PatientSafetyOntology 5
PatientSafetyOntologyRevisted 2
Pediatric Terminology 181
Performance Summary Display Ontology 6
Performed Music Ontology 1
Persian Medicine Diseases Ontology 2
PGxO 2
Phallusia fumigata Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Phallusia mammillata Anatomy and Development Ontology 2
Pharmacogenomic Relationships Ontology 8
Pharmacovigilance Ontology 1
Phenotypic Quality Ontology 10
PhenX Phenotypic Terms 69
Phylogenetics Ontology 7
Physical Activity Ontology 1
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 62
Physician Data Query 608
Physico-Chemical Methods and Properties 2
Pipeline Patterns Ontology 1
Placental Maternal Health Conditions 54
Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy 7
Planarian Phenotype Ontology 10
Plant Anatomy 1
Plant Breeding Ontology 1
Plant Experimental Assay Ontology 2
Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology 4
Plant Gall Ontology 3
Plant Ontology 3
Plant Phenology Ontology 4
Plant Stress Ontology 3
PLOS Thesaurus 277
PMO Precision Medicine Ontology 907
Pneumonia Diagnosis Ontology 96
Population and Community Ontology 5
Porifera Ontology 7
Portfolio Management Application 10
postpartum depression ontology 33
Pre-eclampsia Ontology 41
Precision Medicine Ontology 26
Pregnancy Information Needs Ontology 3
Pregnancy Ontology 1
Presence Ontology 3
Probabilistic Knowledge Assembly Ontology 5
Process Chemistry Ontology 6
Project ontology 4
Prompt Engineering Ontology 1
Prostate Cancer Lifestyle Ontology 8
Prostate Cancer Ontology 9
Protein Ontology 3
Protein-ligand interaction ontology 4
Proteomics Data and Process Provenance Ontology 5
Provenance Ontology 3
Provisional Cell Ontology 10
Psychology Ontology 150
Psychometric Ontology of Experiences and Measures 14
Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types (QUDT) Schema - Version 2.0 1
Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and Types Ontology 1
Radiation Biology Ontology 18
Radiation Oncology Ontology 135
Radiology Gamuts Ontology 1,137
Radiology Lexicon 216
Radiomics Ontology 7
RADx Data Hub Metadata Ontology 6
Rare Diseases Awareness Ontology 2
Read Clinical Terminology Version 2 3,077
Read Codes, Clinical Terms Version 3 (CTV3) 11,418
RegenBase ontology 6
Regulation of Gene Expression Ontolology 77
Regulation of Transcription Ontology 77
Relations Ontology 3
Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology 1
Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (RAPID) Phenotype Ontology 188
Reusable Biodiversity Ontology 3
RNA Ontology 1
Robert Hoehndorf Version of MeSH 2,266
Role Ontology 1
RxNORM 127
Salmon Ontology 3
Sample Processing and Separation Techniques Ontology 4
Santa Barbara Coastal Observation Ontology 11
SATO (IDEAS expAnded wiTh BCIO): workflow for designers of patient-centered mobile health behaviour change intervention applications 7 core and all extension vocabularies 8
Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology 6
Semantic Types Ontology 127
Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology 31
Semanticscience Integrated Ontology 11
Sepsis Ontology 31
Sickle Cell Disease Ontology 77
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Ontology 2
Situation-Based Access Control Ontology 4
Skin Physiology Ontology 5
Sleep Domain Ontology 10
SLEEP ontology 6
SMART Protocols 7
SmartPITeS Proyect Ontology for Complex Chronic Patients 2
SMASH Ontology 1
SNOMED CT 18,763
Social Determinants of Health Ontology 1
social determinants of health ontology-TaoLab 5
Social Insect Behavior Ontology 2
Software Ontology 4
Space Life Sciences Ontology 16
Spatial Ontology 2
Spider Anatomy Ontology 3
Spinal Cord Injury Ontology 6
Statistics Ontology 5
STO 71
STress ONtoloGy 3
Student Health Record Ontology 11
Study Cohort Ontology 23
Subcellular Anatomy Ontology 3
SugarBind 2
Suggested Ontology for Pharmacogenomics 2,735
suicideonto 15
Surgical Secondary Events 30
Sustainability Core Ontology 1
Symptom Ontology 129
symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis ontology 28
Syndromic Surveillance Ontology 34
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, International Version 10,909
Systems Biology Ontology 2
Taxonomy for Rehabilitation of Knee Conditions 25
Teleost Anatomy Ontology 9
Terminological and Ontological Knowledge Resources Ontology 3
terms4FAIRskills 1
Test NXDX 8
test1 1
The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology 3
The Biblioteko Ontology 2
The Biomarker Ontology 19
The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology 7
The Data Use Ontology 1
The Drug Ontology 4
The Drug-Drug Interactions Ontology 8
The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology 15
The Ecosystem Ontology 5
The Extensible Observation Ontology 1
The FoodOn Food Ontology 15
The MOSAiC Ontology 2
The Ontology for Biomedical Investigation based Inner Ear Electrophysiology 9
The Ontology of Information System on Mortality 1
The Oral Health and Disease Ontology 4
The Prescription of Drugs Ontology 28
The State of Alaska's Salmon and People Ontology 1
The Stroke Ontology 71
Therapeutic Antibody Ontology 10
Thesaurus for long-term ecological research, monitoring, experiments 16
thesisdemo 1
Thyroid Cancer Ontology 14
Tick Gross Anatomy Ontology 3
Time Event Ontology 3
Timebank Ontology 1
Toxic Process Ontology 19
Traditional Chinese Drug Ontology 2
Traditional Medicine Signs and Symptoms Value Set 21
Translational Medicine Ontology 5
Tribolium Ontology 5
Uber Anatomy Ontology 13
UHC Metadata 2
Unipathway 1
Unoffical NeIC Organisation Vocabulary 2
Upper-Level Cancer Ontology 3
Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology 15
Vaccine Investigation Ontology 2
Vaccine Ontology 23
Vaccineresearchdata 3
Venom Ontology 1
Vertebrate Breed Ontology 3
Vertebrate Homologous Organ Group Ontology 3
Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology 5
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File 128
VEuPathDB Ontology 71
vfb_drivers 1
Viral Disease Ontology Trunk 12
Virus Infectious Disease Ontology 6
Visualized Emotion Ontology 4
Vital Sign Ontology 5
VIVO Ontology for Researcher Discovery 11
VIVO-Integrated Semantic Framework 11
VODAN ANC Vocabulary 18
VODANADiseases 172
WHO COVID-19 Rapid Version CRF semantic data model 23
Whole-cell modeling ontology 1
WikiPathways 4
Women with Epilepsy of Child-bearing Age Ontology 18
World Health Organization (WHO) Adverse Reaction Terminology 1,884
Xenopus Anatomy Ontology 6
Xenopus Phenotype Ontology 18
Zebrafish Anatomy and Development Ontology 4
Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology 14
ZonMW COVID-19 8
ZonMw Generic Terms 8
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