Preferred Name

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anankastic neurosis
Anancastic neurosis
OCD - Obsessive-compulsive disorder
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Ontology Mappings
A comprehensive ontology of flaps in reconstructive surgery 2,906
A formal representation of the knowledge within the domain of Isotopes for Food Science 189
AdaLab ontology 10
AdaLab-meta ontology 18
Adherence and Integrated Care 28
Adherence and Integrated Care in Spanish 2
Adverse Childhood Experiences Ontology 72
Adverse Event Reporting Ontology 41
African Population Ontology 50
AGRonomy Ontology 233
Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) Adult Mouse Brain Ontology 27
Allergy Ontology 7
Allotrope Merged Ontology Suite 125
Alzheimer Disease Map Ontology 50
Alzheimer's Disease Ontology 241
Amino Acid Ontology 24
Amphibian Taxonomy Ontology 5
An ontology for experimental actions 14
An Ontology for Indian Biodiversity Knowledge Management 27
An Ontology for integration and interoperability of multi-aspect data of Protein food production chains 66
An ontology of core ecological entities 219
Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation 25
Anatomic Ontology for Mouse Lung Maturation 24
Anatomic Pathology Lexicon 201
Anatomical Entity Ontology 18
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification 3,476
Ancient Poet Resource Ontology 4
Animal Health Ontology for Livestock 97
Animal Health Surveillance Ontology 5
Animal Natural History and Life History Ontology 29
Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock 28
Anthology of Biosurveillance Diseases 316
Antibiotic Resistance Ontology 124
APA Neuro Cluster 145
APA Occupational and Employment cluster 19
APA Statistical Cluster 2
APA Tests and Testing cluster 18
APA Treatment Cluster 58
apalegal 16
Apollo Structured Vocabulary 196
Archana Patel 13
Arctic Report Card 1
Artificial Intelligence 3
Artificial Intelligence Ontology 3
Artificial Intelligence Rheumatology Consultant System Ontology 474
Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology 11
ASPECT: wind energy vAriableS, ParametErs and ConsTants 4
Assessment of Indian Economy During Covid-19 438
Asthma Ontology 49
Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease Ontology 335
Atlas Ontology Model 10
Autism DSM-ADI-R ontology 42
Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotype Ontology 30
Bacterial interlocked Process ONtology 52
Basic Formal Ontology 6
Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy 1
Beta Cell Genomics Ontology 197
Bilingual Ontology of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Diseases 1,140
BioAssay Ontology 1,399
Biodiversity Ontology 18
Biodiversity Thesaurus 17
Bioentities 13
Biofilm Ontology 14
Bioinformatics Web Service Ontology 8
Biolink Model 43
Biological and Environmental Research Ontology 11,201
Biological Collections Ontology 26
Biological Imaging Methods Ontology 22
Biological interlocked Process Ontology for metabolism 15
Biological Observation Matrix Ontology 123
Biological Pathway Taxonomy 122
Biological Resource Schema Ontology 4
Biologie Hors Nomenclature 11
BioMedBridges Diabetes Ontology 111
Biomedical Image Ontology 12
Biomedical Informatics Research Network Project Lexicon 383
Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model 18
Biomedical Resource Ontology 9
BioMedical Study Lifecycle Management 18
Biomedical Topics 7
BioModels Ontology 3,814
Bionutrition Ontology 10
BioPAX Ontology of Biological Pathways 4
BioPortal Metadata Ontology 1
BioTop Ontology 60
BirthOnto: Birth Data Analysis 11
Bleeding History Phenotype Ontology 141
Body in Numbers project terminology 17
Body System Terms from ICD11 15
Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering Ontology 28
Bone Dysplasia Ontology 458
Botryllus schlosseri anatomy and development ontology 15
Brain Region & Cell Type terminology 106
Brain Tumour Ontology 2
Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) Ontology 29
BrainTeaser Ontology (BTO) 19
Breast Cancer Grading Ontology 19
Breast Cancer Lifestyle Ontology 5
Breast Cancer Ontology 8
Breast cancer screening recommendation ontology 4
Breast Cancer Staging - 8th Edition 3
Breast Tissue Cell Lines Ontology 23
BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology 481
Bricks ontology 2
Brinell Test Ontology-BFO 22
Brinell Test Ontology-EMMO 115
Brinell Test Ontology-PROVO 43
Brucellosis Ontology 114
C. elegans Development Vocabulary 1
C. elegans Gross Anatomy Vocabulary 37
C. elegans Phenotype Vocabulary 11
Cancer Care: Treatment Outcome Ontology 243
Cancer Chemoprevention Ontology 18
Cancer Research and Management ACGT Master Ontology 303
Cardiac Electrophysiology Ontology 13
Cardiovascular Disease Ontology 142
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Quality Assessment Ontology 14
Caroli's Disease and Syndrome Ontology 18
CARRE Risk Factor ontology 9
Case-base ontology for gastric dystemperament in Persian medicine 10
CEDAR Value Sets 2
Cell Behavior Ontology 17
Cell Culture Ontology 3,669
Cell Cycle Ontology 309
Cell Line Ontology 536
Cell Line Ontology [by Mahadevan] 249
Cell Ontology 677
Cell Ontology for Human Lung Maturation 7
Cell Ontology for Mouse Lung Maturation 7
Cellular microscopy phenotype ontology 28
Cephalopod Ontology 67
Cereal Plant Gross Anatomy Ontology 15
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Ontology 121
Cerrado concepts and plant community dynamics 10
CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology 460
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Ontology 1,640
Chemical Information Ontology 13
Chemical Methods Ontology 30
Chemical Process 2
ChemoOnto 1
Chemotherapy Toxicities Ontology 7
Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource 518
Chinese Diabetes Mellitus Ontology 13
Chromatin Regulator Ontology 13
Chronic Disease Patient Education Ontology 15
Chronic Kidney Disease Ontology 49
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model 17
Cigarette Smoke Exposure Ontology 3,090
Ciona intestinalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Ciona savignyi Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
clinical LABoratory Ontology 11
Clinical Measurement Ontology 42
Clinical MetaData Ontology 42
Clinical Signs and Symptoms Ontology 111
Clinical smell and taste disorders 11
Clinical Study Ontology 4
Clinical Trials Gov Ontology 16
Clinical Trials Ontology 15
Clinical Trials Ontology - Neurodegenerative Diseases 45
Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Analysis Ontology 11
Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology 5
Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms 2,887
CODO: an Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data 46
Cognitive Atlas Ontology 211
Cognitive Paradigm Ontology 10
Cognitive Reserves Assessment Tasks 4
cohsi2study 5
cohsi2termsweekx 6
COKPME - COVID19 Ontology for analyzing the Karnataka Private Medical Establishments Data 8
Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology 21
Collembola Anatomy Ontology 72
Combined Ontology for Inflammatory Diseases 482
Combined Phenotype Ontology 3,680
Commercial determinant of Health Ontology 15
Common Anatomy Reference Ontology 56
Common Diabetes Medications Ontology 67
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 237
Comparative Data Analysis Ontology 1
Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology 139
Computational Neuroscience Ontology 26
Computational Ontology Framework for Brain Profiles 10
Computer Assisted Brain Injury Rehabilitation Ontology 5
Computer Cluster 1
computer network 17
Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects Thesaurus 9,167
Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology 15
Confidence Information Ontology 1
Congenital Heart Defects Ontology 7
Consumer Wearable Device 7
Content Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon 3
Context and Measurement Ontology 47
Continuity of care 9
Contributor Role Ontology 2
COPD Ontology 17
Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine 10
Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology 488
COVID-19 Ontology 197
COVID-19 Surveillance Ontology 1
COVID-19OntologyInPatternMedicine 30
Covid19 Impact on Banking Ontology 16
Cryo Electron Microscopy 2
Ctenophore Ontology 28
Culture, Race, Ethnicity and Nationality Ontology 252
Data Catalog Vocabulary 1
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) 16
Data Collection Ontology 6
Data harmonization ontology for cross border malaria surveillance 5
Data Science Education Ontology 5
Dataset processing 26
DC Terms 4
DCAT3 18
DCMI Type Vocabulary 2
Defen 6
Dementia-Related Agitation Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 41
Dementia-Related Emotional And Mood Disturbance Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 172
Dementia-Related Psychotic Symptoms Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 96
Dengue Fever Ontology 116
Dependency Layered Ontology for Radiation Oncology 33
Dermatology Lexicon 1,151
Devices, Experimental scaffolds and Biomaterials Ontology 58
Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis and Support Ontology 2
Diagnosis Ontology of Clinical Care Classification 19
Diagnostic Ontology 3
DICOM Controlled Terminology 86
Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology 3
Dietary lifestyle ontology 76
Digital Health Technologies 9
Digital medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS) Ontology 2,453
Disease core ontology applied to Rare Diseases 1,116
Disease Drivers Ontology 3
Disorders cluster 241
Dispedia Core Ontology 5
Drosophila Development Ontology 1
Drosophila Gross Anatomy Ontology 60
Drosophila Phenotype Ontology 84
Drug Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (DDIEM) Ontology 17
Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology 40
Drug Interaction Knowledge Base Ontology 8
Drug Target Ontology 1,054
DSIP1_vocabulary 4
DSIP2324_Demonstration 1
DSIP_Fieldlab_7 2
DSMZ Digital Diversity Ontology 37
Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary 3
Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology 169
Early Pregnancy Ontology 139
EarthCube M4M Metadata Vocabulary 1
ecosim ontology 85
EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology 30
EDAM Bioimaging Ontology 15
EDDA Study Designs Taxonomy 7
eDEM-Connect: Ontology of Dementia-related Agitation and Relationship between Informal Caregivers and Persons with Dementia 34
Educational Cluster 35
Electrocardiography Ontology 48
Electronic Care Plan 10
Eligibility Feature Hierarchy 9
eLTER Controlled Lists 44
Emergency care ontology 564
EMIF-AD ontology 60
Emotion Ontology 23
EmpowerBP 2
eNanoMapper 298
Enhanced Personal Profile Ontology 7
Environment Ontology 412
Environment Ontology for Livestock 3
Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology 769
Environmental Determinants of Health 2
ENVS variables 1
Enzyme Mechanism Ontology 8
Enzyme Reaction Ontology for annotating Partial Information of chemical transformation 9
Enzyme Structure Function Ontology 5
Epigenome Ontology 99
Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology 269
Epilepsy Ontology 31
Epilepsy Semiology 327
Epilepsy Semiology Ontology 59
Epilepsy Syndrome Seizure Ontology 275
EpilepsyOntology 292
Epoch Clinical Trial Ontology 1
Ethiopian OPD 7
EthiopianListOfDiseases 311
Ethnicity Ontoloy 50
Evidence Graph Ontology 2
Example Ontology 5
Exercise Medicine Ontology 81
Experimental Conditions Ontology 253
Experimental Factor Ontology 3,689
Exposure Ontology 33
Exposure Value Set 11
EXTeRnAl Conditions Taxonomy (EXTRACT) 3
FAIR Data Train Ontology 4
FAIR Genomes 3
Fall Risk Management Ontology 166
falls prevention 6
Family Health History Ontology 31
FamPlex 16
Fanconi Anemia Ontology 1,378
FAST (Faceted Access of Subject Terminology) GenreForm 1
FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Event 1
FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) FormGenre facet 1
FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Title Facet 1
Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology 2
Fern Ontology 3
FIELDLAB3_2023 2
FIELDLAB3_2023_2 1
Fire Ontology 6
FirstOntologyForUMMS 4
FISH Archaeological Sciences Thesaurus 12
Fish Ontology 45
Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology 323
Fitbit Vocabularies 6
Flora Phenotype Ontology 188
Fly Taxonomy 184
FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary 148
FlyGlycoDB 7
FNS-Harmony 3,651
FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology) 118
Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology 317
Food Matrix for Predictive Microbiology 25
FoodGroupNHNS 234
Foundational Model of Anatomy 2,871
Friend of a Friend Vocabulary 6
Functional Therapeutic Chemical Classification System 630
Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology 4
FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits 624
G Protein-Coupled Receptor BioAssays Ontology 8
Galen Ontology 5,279
Gazetteer 686
Gender Identity 2
Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology 943
Gene Expression Ontology 270
Gene Ontology 37
Gene Ontology Extension 56
Gene Regulation Ontology 48
General Formal Ontology 6
General Formal Ontology for Biology 36
Generative AI Ontology 1
Generic Dataset Metadata Template Vocabulary 10
Genome Component Ontology 3
Genome Variation Ontology 5
Genomic Clinical Decision Support Ontology 9
Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology 675
Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology 10
Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology 13
Genotype Ontology 22
Geographical Entity Ontology 19
GeoSpecies Ontology 4
Glioblastoma 22
Global Code Book Ontology 408
GlycanBind 4
GlycoConjugate Ontology 12
Glycomics Ontology 13
GlycoRDF 17
go-plus 1,375
GOLD Ecosystem Classification 154
GoMapMan 3
Graphic Descriptor Ontology Anatomy Extension 2
Graphical Pathway Markup Language 4
Group 4-Data Science in Practice 4
Growth Medium Ontology 198
Guideline Provenance 26
Halocynthia aurantium Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Halocynthia roretzi Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Head and Neck Cancer - Clinical and Gene Ontology 58
Head and Neck Cancer Ontology 187
Health and Social Person-centric Ontology 175
Health Level Seven Reference Implementation Model, Version 3 1,174
Health Ontology for Minority Equity 3
Health Surveillance Ontology 77
Health_ontology 3,823
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System 219
Healthcare Monitoring and Emergency Response Ontology 60
Hearing Impairment Ontology 66
Heart Failure Ontology 393
HECON: Health Condition Evolution Ontology 5
HeLiFit-Ontology 4
HGNC New Releases Ontology 48
HHEAR Properties 195
HHEAR Value Sets 182
Hierarchical Event Descriptors 212
HierarchicalDMProcessOnto 5
Histological Ontology 30
HIV, HPV, FGS vocabulary 1
HIVOntologymain.owl 74
HMIS LAB 011 5 3
HNS_Ontolgoy 121
Holistic Ontology of Rare Diseases 32
Homelessness and Clinical Data Recording 23
Homeostasis imbalance process ontology 500
Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology 38
HPO - ORDO Ontological Module 1
HuBMAP Research Attributes Value Set 32
HUGO Gene Nomenclature 3
Human Ancestry Ontology 191
Human Dermatological Disease Ontology 654
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 1 364
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 2 234
Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, timed version 1,654
Human Disease Ontology 2,774
Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource 3,879
Human Interaction Network Ontology 293
Human Phenotype Ontology 1,623
Human Physiology Simulation Ontology 368
Human Reference Atlas 1,107
Human Reference Atlas Common Coordinate Framework Ontology 5
Human-Aware Science Ontology 195
Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology 70
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ontology 81
Hypertension Ontology 94
I-ADOPT Framework Ontology 2
IAML Medium of Performance Vocabulary 11
ICHOM Set Pregnancy and Childbirth 7
IDEM: wInD Energy Models Taxonomy 1
Illness and Injury 1
Image and Data Quality Assessment Ontology 13
Imaging Biomarker Ontology 27
Immunogenetics Ontology 12
In Vitro Methodologies Ontology for MAATrica metric 5
In Vivo Methodologies Ontology for MAATrica metric 13
INCENTIVE Community Controlled Vocabulary 14
INCENTIVE Variables 14
Indian Biodiversity Ontology 22
Indian Terrorism Ontology 17
IndianBiodiversity 22
Infection Transmission Ontology 6
Infectious Disease Ontology 28
Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance 53
Influenza Ontology 49
Information Artifact Ontology 10
Informed Consent Ontology 59
InfraRisk Ontology 6
Inherited Retinal Dystrophy 24
injury process description ontology 1
Injury Types 4
insectH 4
Integrated Ontology for Symptom Phenotype Terminologies 281
Integration and Implementation Sciences Vocabulary 9
Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology 82
Intelligence Task Ontology 27
Interaction Network Ontology 21
Interaction Ontology 2
Interlinking Ontology for Biological Concepts 9,519
International Classification for Nursing Practice 473
International Classification for Patient Safety 25
International Classification of External Causes of Injuries 1
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd edition 4
International Classification of Diseases Ontology 148
International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 8,269
International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Clinical Modification 11,418
International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Procedure Coding System 202
International Classification of Diseases, Version 9 - Clinical Modification 8,111
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health 1
International Classification of Primary Care - 2 PLUS 5,636
International Classification of Wellness 4
International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Ontology 18
Invasion Biology Ontology 44
ISO 19110 Methodology for Feature Cataloguing 1
ISO 19115 3
ISO 19115 Codelists 4
ISO 19115 Date Type Code 3
ISO 19115 Identification Information 2
ISO 19115 Role Codes 1
ISO 19115 Topic Categories 3
ISO 639-2: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages 2
ISO-15926-2_2003_annotations 14
ISO-15926-2_2003_entityMembership 14
ISO-15926-2_2003_inverseRoles 14
ISO-15926-2_2003_oil 14
Just Enough Results Model Ontology 20
KB_Bio_101 841
Kidney Tissue Atlas Ontology 715
Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology 9
Knowledge Graph Change Language 5
Knowledge Object Reference Ontology 7
Land Surface classifiers 34
Landform classifiers 20
LDbase 15
legalapa 16
Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology 33
Library of Congress Media Types Scheme 1
Life Ontology 25
Lifestyle Factor Ontology 280
LinkML Common Metadata Elements and Terms 31
Lipid Ontology 15
LipidOntology 5
Liver Cancer Ontology Diagnosis Treatment 3
Liver Case Ontology (LiCO) 12
Livestock Breed Ontology 25
Living Environment Ontology 58
Loggerhead Nesting Ontology 21
Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes 20,891
M4M.20 FAIRWare Subjects 4
M4M.21 FAIRWare Subjects 3
M4M19 Subjects 2
M4M19 Variables 1
Macroalgae Traits Thesaurus 5
Magnetic Resonance Dataset Acquisition Ontology 38
Maize Gross Anatomy Ontology 6
Major Histocompatibility Complex Ontology 448
Malaria Ontology 161
Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology 43
Mammalian Phenotype Ontology 431
Mammography Screening Ontology 1
Mammography screening recommendation 1
Mapping of Drug Names and MeSH 2022 4,494
Mapping of Epilepsy Ontologies 791
MARC List for Languages 11
mass spectrometry cross-linking and derivatization reagents 33
Mass Spectrometry Ontology 52
Master Drug Data Base Clinical Drugs 2,195
Material 7
Material Compound 5
Material Element 5
Material Mineral 1
Material Natural Resource 4
Material Organic Compound 7
Material Rock 1
Material Rock Igneouus 2
MaterialsMine Ontology 48
Mathematical Modelling Ontology 1
Measurement Method Ontology 26
Medaka Fish Anatomy and Development Ontology 61
Medical Action Ontology 714
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA) 36,160
Medical Educational Resource Aggregator 1
Medical Error Ontology 8
Medical image simulation 38
Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Ontology 1,516
Medical Subject Headings 24,423
Medical Technology Innovation in healthcare centers 2
Medical Web Lifestyle Aggregator 6
MedlinePlus Health Topics 2,243
Melanoma Ontology 69
Menelas Project Top-Level Ontology 109
Mental Functioning Ontology 15
Mental State Assessment 54
metaBUS controlled vocabulary for organizational and applied psychology research 277
Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF 4
Metagenome and Microbes Environmental Ontology 302
Metagenome Sample Vocabulary 2
MFO Mental Disease Ontology 142
MGB Drug List 4
MHC Restriction Ontology 15
MIAPA Ontology 13
Microarray and Gene Expression Data Ontology 19
Microbial Conditions Ontology 247
Microbial Culture Collection Vocabulary 7
Microbial Phenotype Ontology 11
Microbial Typing Ontology 7
Minimal Anatomical Terminology 149
Minimal Information about any Sequence (MIxS) Controlled Vocabularies 188
Minimal Information about any Sequence Ontology 174
Minimal Standard Terminology of Digestive Endoscopy 546
Minimum PDDI Information Ontology 2
Mobile Genetic Element Ontology 2
Model Card Report Ontology 29
Modern Science Ontology 11
Molecular Interaction Map 5
Molecular Interactions 33
Molecular Process Ontology 7
Molgula occidentalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Molgula occulta Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Molgula oculata Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
MomCareVocabulary 9
Mondo Disease Ontology 2,444
Monochrom 7
Monogenean Ontology 3
Mosquito Gross Anatomy Ontology 30
Mosquito Insecticide Resistance 36
Mosquito Vector Association Ontology with Biocontrol Agents 26
Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology 718
Mouse Developmental Stages 1
Mouse Experimental Design Ontology 1
Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed 917
Mouse Pathology Ontology 236
MultiCaRe Taxonomy 42
MultiCaRe Taxonomy (ML Labels) 24
Multiple sclerosis ontology 179
Multiplex Classification Ontology for the HyperKvasir Experiment 1
Multiplex Classification Ontology for the MultiCaRe Experiment 9
MWS-WSM Syrian Cinema Ontology 2
MWS-WSM-F23 Syrian Cinema Ontology 2
mymedicalinformation 4
Myocardial Infarction Ontology 587
MyOntoServiceFull_FallDetection 9
Name Reaction Ontology 28
Nanbyo Disease Ontology 686
NanoParticle Ontology 220
National Cancer Institute Thesaurus 8,429
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Organismal Classification 4,817
National Drug Data File 5,782
National Drug File - Reference Terminology 11,447
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Ontology 1
Natural Products Ontology 1,948
NCCN EHR Oncology Categories 3
NEAT: wiNd Energy tAxonomy of Topics 1
Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology, version 3 3
Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology, version 4 32
Neural ElectroMagnetic Ontology 89
Neural Electronic Interface Ontology 18
Neural Motor Recovery Ontology 7
Neural-Immune Gene Ontology 25
NeuralReprogrammingOntology 64
Neuro Behavior Ontology 441
NeuroBridge Ontology 70
Neurodegenerative Disease Data Ontology 51
Neurologic Examination Ontology 340
NeuroMorpho.Org brain region ontologies 150
NeuroMorpho.Org species ontology 11
Neuron Phenotype Ontology 497
Neuropsychological Integrative Ontology 187
Neuroscience Domain Insight Graph 2
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Cell Ontology 1
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Dysfunction Ontlogy 681
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Standard Ontology 6,441
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Subcellular Ontology 7
Next Generation Biobanking Ontology 54
NGS ontology 6
NIDM-Results 15
NIH NLM Value Sets 1,047
NLighten Ontology 21
NMDC Ontology 666
NMR-Controlled Vocabulary 23
NND_Clinical_history 35
NND_Neuropathological_Diagnosis 31
NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names 1
Non Clinical Determinants of Health 15
Non-coding RNA Ontology 33
Non-Pharmacological Interventions (NPIs) 5
Non-Randomized Controlled Trials Ontology 3
Nurse Administrator 8
Nurse Surgical 3
Nurse Transitional 9
Nurse triage 6
Nursing Care Coordination Ontology 95
Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology 337
Occupation Ontology 85
OCD ontology 322
Ocular Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Ontology 227
OligoMetastatic Disease Ontology 628
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 11,923
OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform 1
OntoBioStat 7
OntoDM-core/algorithms 1
OntoFood 101
Ontological Knowledge Base Model for Cystic Fibrosis 78
Ontology for Biobanking 163
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations 219
Ontology for Drug Discovery Investigations 8
Ontology for ELEctronic tool for Clinicians, Trainers and Researchers In Child Abuse 68
Ontology for General Medical Science 17
Ontology for Generic Dataset Metadata Template 5
Ontology for Genetic Disease Investigations 33
Ontology for Genetic Interval 14
Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor 31
Ontology for Geography Markup Language (GML3.0) 11
Ontology for MicroRNA Target 4,180
Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities 24
Ontology for Newborn Screening Follow-up and Translational Research 109
Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology 163
Ontology for Nutritional Studies 154
Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle 32
Ontology for Process-Based Modeling of Dynamical Systems (OntoPBM) 9
Ontology for Representing CDM Semantics 74
Ontology for SARS-CoV-2 lineages and mutations 36
Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system 371
Ontology Metadata Vocabulary 1
Ontology of Adverse Events 219
Ontology of Alternative Medicine, French 15
Ontology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, social module 131
Ontology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, all modules 376
Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems 16
Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics 35
Ontology of Biological Attributes 2,120
Ontology of Cardiovascular Drug Adverse Events 180
Ontology of Chemical Elements 11
Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism 290
Ontology of Clinical Research 23
Ontology of Consumer Health Vocabulary 19,904
Ontology of Core Data Mining Entities 20
Ontology of Data Mining Investigations 2
Ontology of Datatypes 5
Ontology of Drug Adverse Events 295
Ontology of Drug Neuropathy Adverse Events 151
Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values 1
Ontology of Genes and Genomes 94
Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Mouse 46
Ontology of Geographical Region 7
Ontology of Glucose Metabolism Disorder 25
Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology 1
Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions 129
Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions 364
Ontology of Information System on Live Births 1
Ontology of Laboratory Animal Medicine 21
Ontology of Laboratory Animal Science 114
Ontology of Liver for Radiology 8
Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes 37
Ontology of Nuclear Toxicity 115
Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems 38
Ontology of Physical Exercises 252
Ontology of Physics for Biology 14
Ontology of Pneumology 207
Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation 142
Ontology of Risk Stratification in Mental Health 56
Ontology of RNA Sequencing 10
Ontology of units of Measure 29
Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events 115
OntoPsychia, social module 157
OntoRepliCov 4
OPD Register Ontology 4
OPD-Ethiopia 7
OPDZimbabwe 1
Open Predictive Microbiology Ontology 27
OpenCareOntology 87
OPTImAL: An ontology for patient adherence modeling in physical activity domain 1
Optimization Algorithm Benchmarking Ontology 13
OriGinal Chemical Ontology 351
Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology 916
Orthology Ontology 5
OSIRIS-REx Analytical Technique 2
OSIRIS-REx sample type 1
OWL-Time 2
OWL_XML_Tool5 3
PaN Experimental technique 6
Parasite Experiment Ontology 10
Parkinson and Movement Disorder Ontology 70
Parkinson's Disease Ontology 96
Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology 200
Pathogen Transmission Ontology 4
Pathogenic Disease Ontology 169
Pathway Ontology 2
Pathway Terminology System 13
PatientSafetyOntology 37
PatientSafetyOntologyRevisted 24
Pediatric Consultation and Monitoring Ontology 2
Pediatric Terminology 548
Performance Summary Display Ontology 31
Performed Music Ontology 1
Persian Medicine Diseases Ontology 9
PGHD Auxillary - BP 1
PGxO 6
Phallusia fumigata Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Phallusia mammillata Anatomy and Development Ontology 29
Pharmacogenomic Relationships Ontology 71
Pharmacovigilance Ontology 7
Phenotypic Quality Ontology 456
PhenX Phenotypic Terms 169
Phylogenetic Ontology 9
Phylogenetics Ontology 52
Physical Activity Ontology 31
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 377
Physician Data Query 2,609
Physico-Chemical Methods and Properties 15
Physico-Chemical Process 8
Pipeline Patterns Ontology 2
Placental Cell Type 2
Placental Investigative Technique 9
Placental Maternal Health Conditions 99
Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy 45
Planarian Phenotype Ontology 80
Plant Anatomy 15
Plant Breeding Ontology 33
Plant Diversity Ontology 19
Plant Experimental Assay Ontology 44
Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology 194
Plant Gall Ontology 46
Plant Ontology 22
Plant Phenology Ontology 16
Plant Stress Ontology 155
PLOS Thesaurus 1,673
PMO Precision Medicine Ontology 3,524
Pneumonia Diagnosis Ontology 389
Population and Community Ontology 15
Porifera Ontology 50
Portfolio Management Application 326
postpartum depression ontology 95
Pre-eclampsia Ontology 227
Precision Medicine Ontology 174
Pregnancy Information Needs Ontology 20
Pregnancy Ontology 1
Preposition_enabled Spatial Ontology 19
Presence Ontology 52
Probabilistic Knowledge Assembly Ontology 10
Process Chemistry Ontology 68
Project ontology 17
Prompt Engineering Ontology 4
Prostate Cancer Lifestyle Ontology 138
Prostate Cancer Ontology 110
Protein Modification Ontology 5
Protein Ontology 185
Protein-ligand interaction ontology 7
Proteomics Data and Process Provenance Ontology 15
Provenance Ontology 11
Provisional Cell Ontology 433
Psychology Ontology 832
Psychometric Ontology of Experiences and Measures 140
Pulmonary Embolism Ontology 23
Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types (QUDT) Schema - Version 2.0 6
Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and Types Ontology 22
Radiation Biology Ontology 487
Radiation Oncology Ontology 399
Radiation Oncology Structures Ontology 56
Radiology Gamuts Ontology 2,259
Radiology Lexicon 2,945
Radiomics Ontology 31
RADx Data Hub Metadata Ontology 10
Randomized Controlled Trials Ontology 5
Rare Diseases Awareness Ontology 24
Rat Strain Ontology 7
RDL 14
Read Clinical Terminology Version 2 14,893
Reference Sequence Annotation 2
RegenBase ontology 58
Regulation of Gene Expression Ontolology 269
Regulation of Transcription Ontology 268
Relation familiales 1
Relations Ontology 13
Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology 5
Research Network and Patient Registry Inventory Ontology 4
Research Variable Ontology 2
Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (RAPID) Phenotype Ontology 376
Reusable Biodiversity Ontology 22
Rheumatoid Arthritis ontology 74
RNA Ontology 6
Robert Hoehndorf Version of MeSH 13,262
Role Ontology 254
RxNORM 8,771
Salmon Ontology 47
Sample Processing and Separation Techniques Ontology 17
Santa Barbara Coastal Observation Ontology 89
SATO (IDEAS expAnded wiTh BCIO): workflow for designers of patient-centered mobile health behaviour change intervention applications 54 core and all extension vocabularies 90
Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology 14
Semantic DICOM Ontology 6
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology 3
Semantic Types Ontology 150
Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology 421
Semanticscience Integrated Ontology 123
Sepsis Ontology 332
Sequence Types and Features Ontology 46
Sickle Cell Disease Ontology 254
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Ontology 7
Situation-Based Access Control Ontology 15
Skin Physiology Ontology 22
Sleep Domain Ontology 227
SLEEP ontology 18
SMART Protocols 50
SmartPITeS Proyect Ontology for Complex Chronic Patients 13
SMASH Ontology 22
SNOMED CT 183,129
Social Determinants of Education Ontology 5
Social Determinants of Health Ontology 3
social determinants of health ontology-TaoLab 49
Social Insect Behavior Ontology 44
Social Prescribing Ontology 4
Software Ontology 18
Solanaceae Phenotype Ontology 16
Soy Ontology 3
Space Life Sciences Ontology 189
SPAR DataCite Ontology 1
Spatial Ontology 8
Spider Anatomy Ontology 48
Spinal Cord Injury Ontology 51
Statistics Ontology 23
STO 341
STress ONtoloGy 37
Student Health Record Ontology 46
Study Cohort Ontology 240
Subcellular Anatomy Ontology 48
SugarBind 4
Suggested Ontology for Pharmacogenomics 9
suicideonto 69
Surgical Secondary Events 65
Sustainability Core Ontology 7
Symptom Ontology 202
symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis ontology 161
Syndromic Surveillance Ontology 61
Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual Ontology 1
Syrian Cinema Ontology 2
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, International Version 40,677
Systems Biology Ontology 17
Taxonomic Rank Vocabulary 6
Taxonomy for Rehabilitation of Knee Conditions 459
Teleost Anatomy Ontology 189
Teleost Taxonomy Ontology 9
Tephra M4M Example 2
Terminological and Ontological Knowledge Resources Ontology 10
Terminology for the Description of Dynamics 2
terms4FAIRskills 7
Test NXDX 138
test1 7
The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology 10
The Biblioteko Ontology 37
The Biomarker Ontology 108
The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology 35
The Data Use Ontology 10
The Drug Ontology 1,355
The Drug-Drug Interactions Ontology 1,045
The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology 364
The Ecosystem Ontology 43
The Extensible Observation Ontology 32
The FoodOn Food Ontology 903
The MOSAiC Ontology 9
The NeIC PaRI beer vocabulary 3
The Ontology for Biomedical Investigation based Inner Ear Electrophysiology 151
The Ontology of Information System on Mortality 2
The Oral Health and Disease Ontology 89
The Prescription of Drugs Ontology 1,900
The RDF Schema vocabulary 1
The State of Alaska's Salmon and People Ontology 3
The Stroke Ontology 341
Therapeutic Antibody Ontology 45
Thesaurus for long-term ecological research, monitoring, experiments 286
thesisdemo 4
Thyroid Cancer Ontology 90
Tick Gross Anatomy Ontology 4
Time Event Ontology 73
Timebank Ontology 18
Tissue Microarray Ontology 1
Toxic Process Ontology 383
Traditional Chinese Drug Ontology 19
Traditional Medicine Signs and Symptoms Value Set 48
Translational Medicine Ontology 29
Tribolium Ontology 28
Uber Anatomy Ontology 1,547
Uganda_diseases 1
UHC Metadata 9
Unipathway 158
Units of Measurement Ontology 40
Units Ontology 16
Unoffical NeIC Organisation Vocabulary 2
Upper-Level Cancer Ontology 27
Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology 105
Vaccine Investigation Ontology 7
Vaccine Ontology 243
Vaccineresearchdata 4
Variation Ontology 10
Venom Ontology 7
Vertebrate Breed Ontology 14
Vertebrate Homologous Organ Group Ontology 266
Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology 20
Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology 39
Vertebrate Trait Ontology 9
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File 5,522
VEuPathDB Ontology 472
vfb_drivers 1
Viral Disease Ontology Trunk 68
Virus Infectious Disease Ontology 33
Visualized Emotion Ontology 33
Vital Sign Ontology 27
VIVO Ontology for Researcher Discovery 68
VIVO-Integrated Semantic Framework 68
VODAN ANC Vocabulary 60
VODANA Migrants 14
VODANADiseases 108
WEAR: Wind Energy mAteRials Taxonomy 3
WEAVE: Wind Energy ActiVitiEs 1
Web Annotation Ontology 2
Web-Service Interaction Ontology 2
Wheat Trait Ontology 2
WHO COVID-19 Rapid Version CRF semantic data model 70
Whole-cell modeling ontology 14
WikiPathways 3
Women with Epilepsy of Child-bearing Age Ontology 229
World Health Organization (WHO) Adverse Reaction Terminology 2,694
wsm 3
XEML Environment Ontology 50
Xenopus Anatomy Ontology 221
Xenopus Phenotype Ontology 495
Zebrafish Anatomy and Development Ontology 179
Zebrafish Developmental Stages 4
Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology 17
Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology 607
ZonMW Administrative Metadata Vocabulary 11
ZonMW COVID-19 33
ZonMw Generic Terms 21
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